Thursday, May 14, 2009

Caledonia SEED Workshop: May 11, 2009

It was great to visit Paul's hometown of Caledonia, Minnesota. We spend three hours with dedicated educators from Caledonia, Spring Grove, and La Crescent along with other school personnel. We ended our time with our Ready or Not...Let's Talk discussion cards. We left Caledonia feeling we had contributed something important to the lives of those who attended and the many students and parents who may benefit from our words through their educators. Here is a review from the instructor of the SEED group.

Your presentation was a powerful reminder to me of how important it is to be'ready' for life's surprises and challenges. Even when we're really skilled at'talking the talk', we may not always be ready to 'walk the walk'. I think the love and acceptance you show for your sons is and will be a comfort to so many others who face these kinds of challenges. I especially appreciate your courage in speaking out and your commitment to advocating for LGBT youth at home, school, and in the community. It's so easy for me to become complacent about the needs of LGBT youth. I appreciate your respectful, yet powerful reminder that their struggles really can be a matter of life or death, and I can never stop'walking in their shoes'.

Your well-organized presentation was respectful and educational, but filled with humor and love. Thank you again for joining us at SEED, and we hope to see you and hear you speak again very soon!

Deb Morse, School Psychologist
Hiawatha Valley Education District 507-725-5205, ext 1231
Caledonia Elementary
507-725-3316, ext 2008
Caledonia Middle/High 608-769-1619 Cell

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